Oh man, I haven't done this in forever, but I've been feeling the need to lately.
Let's see, schools done. Thank god, found out I have to take statistics over the summer online, while I'm at Woodward. That's pretty much my nightmare. I'm ADD as hell already, so stick me at Woodward and make me take an online class. That grade should turn out amazing. I'll be happy with a D.
Speaking of Woodward. Stoked to be heading back up there at the beginning of June, even more stoked to be getting out of Alabama.
Alabama, Alabama, Alabama. If it weren't for family and 2 or 3 friends...okay and Milos. I wouldn't come back to this place. I thought Florida was bad about people sketching out on hanging out. Alabama has for SURE topped that. hahaha. Stoked for Jesse and Josh to get back next week so we can ride some bikes, make a Factory trip, and get in some bowling before I leave. Legit friends=a good time.
I'll do another one before I leave for camp for the summer.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Having class from 8am-5pm is going to be the death of me. No joke. It makes me so tired by the end of the day, it sucks. But then having 1 class Monday, Wednesday, Fridays makes up for it.
Hopefully get to ride my bike tomorrow, I may head down to SPoT since I have yet to ride the new setup. See if I can talk Matos, Dan, and some others into going. Supposed to be soooo cold here tomorrow. I'm stoked. Perfect riding weather.
Anyways, I felt the need to post up this because I hadn't in a while.
I'll write a longer one later.
P.s. I have some M&M chips ahoy. Thank god I have a fast metabolism, because those will be gone by the end of the week. haha.
Having class from 8am-5pm is going to be the death of me. No joke. It makes me so tired by the end of the day, it sucks. But then having 1 class Monday, Wednesday, Fridays makes up for it.
Hopefully get to ride my bike tomorrow, I may head down to SPoT since I have yet to ride the new setup. See if I can talk Matos, Dan, and some others into going. Supposed to be soooo cold here tomorrow. I'm stoked. Perfect riding weather.
Anyways, I felt the need to post up this because I hadn't in a while.
I'll write a longer one later.
P.s. I have some M&M chips ahoy. Thank god I have a fast metabolism, because those will be gone by the end of the week. haha.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Week and a half of being back at school and I already hate the school part. Taking 18 credit hours as usual, because of how bad I screwed up freshmen year. Sucks. Also taking two math classes. That's the equivalent of a blind kid trying to run hurdles. I'm screwed.
Besides school though everything is good. I kind of miss Alabama, never thought I'd say that, but people are making me realize it. Unfortunately I probably won't be back though until the third week of March, which completelyyyyy sucks. Of all the weeks in March it's that one. Dumb, but what can you do...
Hung out with Dan and Matos, and the St. Pete kids the other day, always a good time hanging out with them. Fun sessions, good times.
Anyways...I'm exhausted...maybe I'll write more later.
Here's some new pictures to look at if you're bored though.

Week and a half of being back at school and I already hate the school part. Taking 18 credit hours as usual, because of how bad I screwed up freshmen year. Sucks. Also taking two math classes. That's the equivalent of a blind kid trying to run hurdles. I'm screwed.
Besides school though everything is good. I kind of miss Alabama, never thought I'd say that, but people are making me realize it. Unfortunately I probably won't be back though until the third week of March, which completelyyyyy sucks. Of all the weeks in March it's that one. Dumb, but what can you do...
Hung out with Dan and Matos, and the St. Pete kids the other day, always a good time hanging out with them. Fun sessions, good times.
Anyways...I'm exhausted...maybe I'll write more later.
Here's some new pictures to look at if you're bored though.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Started off with my mom and sister flying down for a surprise birthday party for our cousin, Colleen. Stayed at her house that weekend, went to the Idewild Christmas play with everyone, it was crazy as usual. Anyways, left that Monday to drive home, I drove the first half and my mom drove the second, I was exhausted so it was good.
Then back in Birmingham for about a week before leaving for Pennsylvania, so Bam and myself decided to head over to Newnan, Georgia one of the days to meet up with Jon Ward and Jonathon Combs, found out Tim Tim was up too, killing it as usual. Really fun as usual, until Jonathon decided to air 8 feet out to belly flop on concrete. End of session. haha.
Couple days after, left with my family for Pennsylvania for a week and a half. I was definitely hoping for some snow, but got there to find rain, and upper 50's. Sweet...anyways...got to see the whole family, that's always awesome. Got to hang out with Jay, Danielle and Braylon, they're amazing, and it's awesome that Danielle is dating/had a kid with someone as awesome as Jay. Definitely the better of all the other love interests in the family. ahhaha. After Christmas, went and hung out with Josh and Cory, got to see Colleen, I miss being able to walk over to their house for sure. After that, went out to lunch with Josh, Mallory, Cory, Paige, and baby Kolten. And i'm telling you, Bojalad's make the cutest babies. haha Between Braylon and Kolten, it's hard to get cuter than that.
Back home for like a week, played Wii with my brother and sister a ton, bowled a 289 on wii, 10 straight strikes. Hell yes. Haha hung out some, got sick, got sicker, rode vestavia with everyone, ran some little kids over, it was awesome.
Then came back to Florida, got in around 8, got to hang out with 2 of my favorite people, had to make some phone calls to a certain "Freddy" and now school starts tomorrow. 2 Math classes, a business law class...semester's going to be rough FOR SURE. But I'm hoping for a good couple of months, then back to Woodward for the summer, can't wait to be back there.
P.s. Some pictures from the past month:

Started off with my mom and sister flying down for a surprise birthday party for our cousin, Colleen. Stayed at her house that weekend, went to the Idewild Christmas play with everyone, it was crazy as usual. Anyways, left that Monday to drive home, I drove the first half and my mom drove the second, I was exhausted so it was good.
Then back in Birmingham for about a week before leaving for Pennsylvania, so Bam and myself decided to head over to Newnan, Georgia one of the days to meet up with Jon Ward and Jonathon Combs, found out Tim Tim was up too, killing it as usual. Really fun as usual, until Jonathon decided to air 8 feet out to belly flop on concrete. End of session. haha.
Couple days after, left with my family for Pennsylvania for a week and a half. I was definitely hoping for some snow, but got there to find rain, and upper 50's. Sweet...anyways...got to see the whole family, that's always awesome. Got to hang out with Jay, Danielle and Braylon, they're amazing, and it's awesome that Danielle is dating/had a kid with someone as awesome as Jay. Definitely the better of all the other love interests in the family. ahhaha. After Christmas, went and hung out with Josh and Cory, got to see Colleen, I miss being able to walk over to their house for sure. After that, went out to lunch with Josh, Mallory, Cory, Paige, and baby Kolten. And i'm telling you, Bojalad's make the cutest babies. haha Between Braylon and Kolten, it's hard to get cuter than that.
Back home for like a week, played Wii with my brother and sister a ton, bowled a 289 on wii, 10 straight strikes. Hell yes. Haha hung out some, got sick, got sicker, rode vestavia with everyone, ran some little kids over, it was awesome.
Then came back to Florida, got in around 8, got to hang out with 2 of my favorite people, had to make some phone calls to a certain "Freddy" and now school starts tomorrow. 2 Math classes, a business law class...semester's going to be rough FOR SURE. But I'm hoping for a good couple of months, then back to Woodward for the summer, can't wait to be back there.
P.s. Some pictures from the past month:
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Woke up Saturday morning, loaded up my bike, helmet, camera, and headed over to pick up Bam. Then drove the 2 1/2 hours to Factory Skatepark, definitely a lot of fun. Pulled in, saw Jonathan Combs was already there, and TimTim from Florida, so that was sick. I swear that place is the most expensive skatepark around. $21 for 6 hours? I thought it used to be like 20 for all day. Pretty lame. But I paid it and went in and rode for a while, did a tuck no hander to tuck no hander to fakie, haha. I was stoked on that. It was just a fun session with some good friends, which made for an awesome time.
And then Jonathon Combs decided to ruin that and fall reallllll bad, so I put my bike away after that, and decided I was done riding for the night. Hung out a few more hours with Jon Ward, he has some thing for dead guys, I don't know what thats about...but whatever you're into I guess? hahaha.
Today, Sunday, I woke up like 11 still sore from Factory the day before, texted Spenser and Bam to see if they wanted to ride the farm since David and Jonathan were in town. I forgot how much I loved that place, definitely a fun session. Definitely good hanging out with Spenser, Josh, David, and Jonathan again. And good seeing Dewey and Garrett. P.S. Garrett kills it on a skateboard, I could watch him skate all day.
Alright...done rambling.
P.S. 1 kind of new picture.
Woke up Saturday morning, loaded up my bike, helmet, camera, and headed over to pick up Bam. Then drove the 2 1/2 hours to Factory Skatepark, definitely a lot of fun. Pulled in, saw Jonathan Combs was already there, and TimTim from Florida, so that was sick. I swear that place is the most expensive skatepark around. $21 for 6 hours? I thought it used to be like 20 for all day. Pretty lame. But I paid it and went in and rode for a while, did a tuck no hander to tuck no hander to fakie, haha. I was stoked on that. It was just a fun session with some good friends, which made for an awesome time.
And then Jonathon Combs decided to ruin that and fall reallllll bad, so I put my bike away after that, and decided I was done riding for the night. Hung out a few more hours with Jon Ward, he has some thing for dead guys, I don't know what thats about...but whatever you're into I guess? hahaha.
Today, Sunday, I woke up like 11 still sore from Factory the day before, texted Spenser and Bam to see if they wanted to ride the farm since David and Jonathan were in town. I forgot how much I loved that place, definitely a fun session. Definitely good hanging out with Spenser, Josh, David, and Jonathan again. And good seeing Dewey and Garrett. P.S. Garrett kills it on a skateboard, I could watch him skate all day.
Alright...done rambling.
P.S. 1 kind of new picture.
Friday, December 19, 2008
I can't wait. I haven't rode in 2 weeks, at least. But Bam, Jesse, and myself are heading over to Factory tomorrow to ride. Sucks Spenser has to work, but it'll be fun. Hopefully I don't smash my ribs again.
So, riding tomorrow, relaxing Sunday, riding Vestavia Monday, and then leaving for Pennsylvania for a week and a half on Tuesday.
I can't wait. I haven't rode in 2 weeks, at least. But Bam, Jesse, and myself are heading over to Factory tomorrow to ride. Sucks Spenser has to work, but it'll be fun. Hopefully I don't smash my ribs again.
So, riding tomorrow, relaxing Sunday, riding Vestavia Monday, and then leaving for Pennsylvania for a week and a half on Tuesday.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
This semester was rough but somehow my grades ended up wayyy better than usual. Wierd because I had some hard classes. Next semester I made my schedule pretty stupid. Class from 8am to 4:50pm on Tuesday's and Thursdays, with just one class at 930am on MWF. Oh and 2 of those classes are math, and ones business law. Kill me.
Jesse Heath really says some good stuff and makes you think.
Between BMX and moving around so much, i've made a lot of friends all because of a little kids bike. Especially my good friends. It definitely made moving three times a whole lot easier.
On that note, I can't wait to ride my bike. I hope it dries up this week so that we can get a chance to ride. I want to ride 280 spot some, and take some pictures there. And the Carraway banks, I want to 180 tuck over the ditch on top. I'll probably die.
Anyways...back in Birmingham for a week, and then we're leaving for Pennsylvania the 23rd to go home for a week and a half. I can't wait for Christmas.
This semester was rough but somehow my grades ended up wayyy better than usual. Wierd because I had some hard classes. Next semester I made my schedule pretty stupid. Class from 8am to 4:50pm on Tuesday's and Thursdays, with just one class at 930am on MWF. Oh and 2 of those classes are math, and ones business law. Kill me.
Jesse Heath really says some good stuff and makes you think.
Between BMX and moving around so much, i've made a lot of friends all because of a little kids bike. Especially my good friends. It definitely made moving three times a whole lot easier.
On that note, I can't wait to ride my bike. I hope it dries up this week so that we can get a chance to ride. I want to ride 280 spot some, and take some pictures there. And the Carraway banks, I want to 180 tuck over the ditch on top. I'll probably die.
Anyways...back in Birmingham for a week, and then we're leaving for Pennsylvania the 23rd to go home for a week and a half. I can't wait for Christmas.
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